Saturday, August 25, 2007


well...i..i dont have any words to say at this moment. Somehow i think happiness isnt me. Its just there for sake. Nvr thought today would be so bad that i would have to cry one knows except you (the reader, no wrong interpretations or connotations please). Yesterday was like very happy happy, but today it all changed....all because of me....all because of fuckin ME....why did i have to do this...?? why ?? and now that mom is angry with me.....come back....i m sorry....!!!! i need you, please forgive me....

well nothing is getting along good with me, except for me finding a very nice friend. I enjoy talking to her.....seems to be very....errr very.....errr very sweet, polite and ya of course understanding and not to forget very different from others. As i mentioned in some of my previous posts, i seriously wish that people like her flood this earth....i wont even care if i dont get space....but i would be happy enough to see people like her there...... Oh yeah, congratulations for the award...Keep it up..I saw the different side of her yesterday, when i was going through some of her previous blogs. I have known and met many different types of girls...and i find that....girls just keep their pains with themselves....i can imagine how heavy their hearts would get with so many things... i know the boys do to...but they are able to get over it fast..., but one scratch on a girl's heart can last forever, like an incurable disease.

ummm thats all for you ppl...the others who know the secret may continue reading further

somethings in life are very precious but when u start cherishing them very intensely then those things start to rot ur rot isnt the correct word, FRY ur brain in hot oil......oh well and errr...ya i wont make up any of those freakin recipes from now on....,,,,where was i...yes...
the same thing is happenin with me...i just don't seem to understand the chain of rules of life...... i feel like being independent of them...but sometimes it is imprtant if u see from someone else's view....

Why dont people want to be with me.....what is it that they dont want me to do?? i m also like u. Dont judge me on the basis of judging some of my counterparts who are not a bit like me. Trust me i am not like them.

Why cant be everyone be like her...why???

Well never mind, all these things will keep on happening...and i will still keep on hoping that all this sadness is being stored for surprising happy elements of life in future.
Found this interesting thought though

"Dont worry about the day when the world will end, dont care about the future....cause its already tomorrow in Australia."
"Bring it on"..i m impressed...

love u mom
