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The Queen's Bishop

Congrats! Only 3-5% of the population score this!
The Queen’s Bishop has charisma and social knowledge. It is this that draws so many under their ‘tutelage’. The Queen’s Bishop is a teacher and has the phenomenal interpersonal skill that sells them to others. It isn’t that they attempt to manipulate others – rather they really believe their dreams and see themselves as helpers. They usually are.
This Bishop is a global learner. They like to see the big picture. They are adept at juggling responsibilities and projects. This isn’t to say they are naturally organized, rather they are organized with people in mind. The conclusions they draw from others and their motives are drawn quickly. This Bishop knows people and appreciates them. They however have a problem with forgetting themselves and their own needs because they will frequently vouch for others. If people are too gruff or critical, these people are hurt and abused. Sensitivity must be used around the Queen’s Bishop because they burden themselves the most.
If anyone comes knocking with problems, they will drop their duties – regardless of the circumstance. If someone happens to call, they will answer it and take care of that conversation putting the first person on hold. If a quick question is posed by yet another – they will attend to that. They are honestly open to helping others – that is why it is hard to gain their undivided attention. Everyone knows this and tends to ask for a bit of time from them. Ever heard of the “Open Door” Policy?
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