Monday, September 27, 2010

Smell is a pretty intoxicating sense. It alters your thoughts in like a flash of a second. But somehow, a particular smell brings certain thoughts to my mind. I have got to be mad to be talking about what I am going to, but, even then being crazy IS my forte. And the thing about smell is that you cant really express it, i mean, for the sense of sight there are pictures and videos, for hearing, there's music, and noise. But for smell, there's nothing. How am I supposed to convey what the heck I am trying to say? We've heard of the brand called dove, owned by Unilever. For some strange reason I associate something with that smell, someone would be more apt. It brings back memories, sweet memories, painful yet worth remembering. Indulgence in the realm of relationships? I guess so. It's too much to think about at the moment, especially when the only choice you are left with is to let go. But with such a smell, how do I let go of the memories? How do I stop the smell reaching to my senses?
It's all just complicated. But with every single passing moment, makes me think that you probably do not have a heart. Maybe you do, but it is filled with so much weight that you do not want to do anything about it. I can't get into your mind, to take control over things, even though it would be my pleasure to do so, because for one thing, I KNOW I can change your life forever. But, sigh, you just wanna continue with this. And the worse thing is, you do not even realise the repercussions of your own decisions.
How easy it is for you to say, I have not been a good person to blah, blah and blah, and then comes the time reference to the blah2. Not that I "should" care, but it does feel tingy, to be frank it really does hurt. I have been over this, and the closer it gets to that, I think the decision will have to be made. I do not want to think about that, but you just do not seem to get off my mind.



"It's never about you, bitch. Its about the one-to-one between US."