back after quite a long long long time..
well nvr mind..
the TIME was never wasted though...
well i had been busy mailing (this really cool person), printing, testing..
my SSEF software is now somewhat working on all Service Pack components for Windows XP and Vista right,..??
well SL Camp was gr8...had a lot of fun..
aaahhh shit..
am not feeling well again..
nvr mind, today's post is gonna be short..
well nothing interesting has been happening in the last week,
except for the fact, that i am discovering this person i have been talking about..
well NJ's a real nice person and there is nothing that i wont be able to relate with her which is also related to the word COOL!!!
so well although i dint ask for copright permission, but this is a poem she has written..its really cool...
That One Door That Leads To Life...

when all lights seem to be extinguished
and all the roads seem to have grown with thorns
that one door which leads to life opens...
as we see it with wet eyes crying in anguish....
when the pupil of our eyes widens as we see the daylights' blaze through th door,
and as the spectrum that splits into the room thats the prison,
the cactus turns into a sunflower facing the light indoor.....
That one door which leads to life,
that one door whcih leads to paradise ....
is the road where love is scattered, like autumn leaves on the road...
welcome abode..... to the heaven express
And the door shall take you to a paradise called Earth...........
--25th aug. 2007.
the message was clear..
but today i wont refrain myself from naming...
well they think it isnt possibl for me to notice...
AMOS...,what you think about me and Nh is wrong allrite..
i mean, y'all wont remember this but..
i do, the second day of the SL camp,
when you were sitting behind me during assembly time in the morning..
i could hear you say all that
you know..
and i guess, the reaction from SOMEONE was also not so appropriate..
like wtf...!!
nvr mind...thats the POWER of the blg..
to reveal things in sucha mysterious manner, that people would surely misinterpret the corrct meaning...
suckers.. comments on that..
take care
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