Thursday, June 5, 2008

lately i have been thinking about something..and i realised that maybe the world hasnt yet matured to an extent to define relationships in 'broader' senses..ya. I had this thought last evening, when i was thinking about this wonderfully special person whom i know..(YES ITS U, IF u R READING THIS..u know who..), i was thinking about the dual elements in the relationship and i guess, maybe when u r in 'that' position where the world looks up to you from a very very very wide perspective you tend to divide..but somewhere in those divisions, we tend to forget those "aang's" (character from the cartoon Avatar: The Last Airbender) amidst the crowd, who dont even fear a single thing just for the sake of happiness...well, i wont really say that all the above claims of mine, are true, i mean come on, i havent even experienced this freaking world more than the special person, but ya...

and now that there are so many people viewing different perspectives, i am already getting the gut feeling that, this world is better a lonely place for me and later, if not soon, everything will crash onto me and there would be no one....

couldnt sleep properly yesterday night, was thinking about somethings.... some MOMENTs actually, and believe me, i could actually see them happening in front of me.. and the next thing..

sigh sigh,
i cant help all this happening to me,
its just bound to happen, i mean,
why in the world should i get a right to live happily

after going back, the countdown would have already begun, for the biggest fall of my part with someone, whom i respect more than my own life, for whom this world means nothing to me...
even though the very thought kills the view from my eyes, and makes me shiver, but at the end of it all, i guess, i'll still be there to say..i <3 style="color: rgb(0, 0, 0);">
aah time, the only thing that makes the difference now...

dont go..
be there, please be there
i m still a baby,
and the world is so strange..

well, i m sure, i wont be able to take the pain,
cause, it really hurts to separate the physical visibility in this state of haziness although, atleast i think, the mind's and heart's connections will be strong..FOR LIFE..

i'll upload a picture here, maybe that would have a deeper impact to this post..

my heart out

aah, well,
yesterday was quite fine,
spent the whole day creating a software for Pocket PC,
the next in line for my company's calculator series Hypercube Calca,
the only difference is that, now pocket pc and smartphone editions will be launched..


well, thats all for now, i'll perhaps update again..


u complete me, believe it or not..u do

pls reply...i need to talk to someone..
and there is only one SOMEONE in this world whom i trust..
