today everything was different...
way too different..
i was happy (i mean even after.... )
maybe i should go like this...
morning was ok ok...made some plans for the day...
was thinking and thinking...
school was pretty fine...
SIN CITY rocks..woohoo..only wish Ms. Sandhya could have let us watch a bit more of the movie...
But nvr mind the class is borrowing the ya will watch it completely then...
well today...after i came to know...i wanted to press the SEND button in the morning...
i couldnt even at the end of the day...
i mean i was literally scared that something worse (of course wrong) could have have been interpreted...
something was not allowing me to press the SEND button..something...
i was even about to go ask kndn whether i should press the button or not...!!!
but then i reflected on the fact that...i mean...maywhat the others or even she might be thinking...
(which is not true...) i mean i know what is true and what is not...
a concern is a concern, you really cant prevent it to occur..
people are important to me...i dont care what they think of me...
especially some...
in a flash...i pressed the SEND button...i dint care a heck about the consequences...
i felt it..i mean i really pictured the look...couldnt have been more disgusted than this...
haha...but was definitely funny...
well people were busy today...or at least it seemed to...
some in class matters...(alrite get over it sandesh)
some in personal life...
some in just nothingness....(complete silence over emptiness....)
but i wanted to just try out something...something that
could have made things worse...awfully worse
although i m not expecting a reply or anything of that sort...
i do get the indirect message that something is really gonna be bad...(not related to what i have been talking about lately)
but, i can take it as another risk or maybe 0.5% potential risk...
i love taking risks...whether its with my own life....(even more if its mine for somebody...people i guess could have recognised...this>>)
missin ya tons and gigs...
Take Care...(decided on something new....the old style made people infer wrong things out of it...)
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