well...just came back from school after the bio paper....man i suck at it...
the paper was okay okay lah, but some questions couldnt do one..
well thats another story...
oh i m happy that everything is getting alright...or atleast i think so lol.. but i m changing and maybe that is something that is not going to reverse back again...so ya...
something weird is happening to me these days....i m getting up like 3 or 4 times in the night....donno why....i mean i just wake up, see darkness....hear the sound of the winds (i live on the tenth floor...so the wind quite strong and CHILLLY) and hug my pooh (not addicted to it...but it does remind me of someone i cant forget throughout my whole life....and yeah ...nvr mind...l8r...
cant wait for chemistry and IH optional paper to end...cause after tht got only one paper left....MATHS...i always love the environment around me during the final paper....and now that it is the end of years...
i m getting frustrated over something these days....but thanx to some people who dont make me feel that anymore....i have to give credit to the people lah...
and nvr the less....
but i think all that frustration is gonna come out like a beast...at Invigorate...the event i am desperately waiting for...i need to kick some ass....
kidding...i m not that violent..so dont worry...but sometimes...when people say things that do not approve of her....i can get very very violent...(maybe i dont show lah...but yes do...and by violent i mean mentally...i m no Undertaker or the Hulk Hogan or someone....)
ok then...bbye..think i will take a short nap now...
take care...
love u
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